When you have received a new team member it is very important for you to offer your support and knowledge. You will want to ensure that they know where to go in order to get questions answered and that you will be their first point of contact for guidance and training. Your support and encouragement early on will make all the difference to their success! Our upline has shared some amazing ways to be the best mentor you can be while growing your business and sharing that journey/success with others!
Define the role of an Origami Owl Mentor and You Should:
+ Provide your contact information
+ Ensure they understand that you are their first point of contact
+ Be available to answer questions in a timely manner
+ Understand their reasons and intent for joining the team; support their goals
+ Help them to choose a business launch date
+ Provide them with coaching tips and suggestions for her first 30 days of Jewelry Bar parties (2-3 minimum)
+ Explain and review the ordering and payment process
+ Encourage participation in Training Calls
+ Review the Career Plan and explain how they will make money and the value of Mentoring
+ Continue to coach, guide and mentor via regular (weekly and monthly)
Another amazing designer shared three B's for being a GOOD Mentor:
+Be Active
If you have downlines then you have no excuse not to be active and to run your business. You passed on this business as an opportunity worth signing up for, so you need to be an example of that in action. You need to be booking shows, making phone calls, attending events, and checking in with your downlines at least once a week. Being a Mentor is alot like being a parent. Your downlines, like your children, learn by example and being taught. You need to be constantly training. Bring your new recruits to shows to explain to them how everything is done. They need to see it in person which is why you need to be working your business. Keep up with news in your back office. You need to keep current on everything going on with your company such as specials, sales, promos, company news, new products, any new changes in policy and procedure, and just EVERYTHING. If you are being looked at as a leader, you need to be a leader.
+Be Professional
I cannot stress this one enough. No matter what rank you are from just signing up to the tops in the company you need to understand that THIS IS A BUSINESS. You need to conduct yourself as if you are at work because you are! Dress appropriately for events and Jewelry Bars. Ensure that you DO NOT show up late for shows or set up booths after events have already started. As a mentor, you need to set an example of what to be not what NOT to be.
+Be Available
My biggest pet peeve is mentors who are not available to their downlines. You cannot just sign people up to make money and never train them or help them. If you are doing that then you are a recruiter not a mentor. You get paid as a mentor to take care of your people. You need to take care of issues within your team and between team mates that cannot solve problems themselves. You need to be available if you can to attend your new designers launch party or available by phone. Reach up to your upline if your unable to attend their party to see if she can. Hold meetings and make sure everyone feels connected. That is what you are being paid for. You are ON all the time. If you have a situation where you can't be ON then you are responsible to find someone to field all these things while you are unavailable. If you are on vacation and can be reached then you are ON. If you are on vacation on a cruise and can't be then you reach out to someone and say hey I need you to take care of my team for me while I'm gone. Then you reach out to your team and say I will be unavailable but here is the contact information to contact someone who will help you. You are responsible for these people. If you don't want to be responsible or don't have the time to manage a team then please do not sign people up. You can always refer New Potential Designers to your upline, who will find a placement for them. If you have a team and you can't or won't take care of them than you are creating more work for someone else who is helping them. If you want to be paid for work, you have to put it in.
Communication is a 2-way street. You should expect communication from your upline and you should also expect to communicate with your upline. While your sponsor has some responsibility to get in contact with you to be sure that you are getting the training materials you need, maybe give you a pep talk the day of your first party, talk you home on that night you are driving from a $50 party (yes ladies, even I have $50 parties once in a while!!) You should always expect to be part of that equation too by calling when you have a question, calling to show appreciation, or calling to tell her some awesome news! (We LOVE to hear good news!!!) So, you should always expect communication from your upline but should always expect to give some back also.
What you should NOT expect from Sponsor/Upline:
Party Leads
New Designer Leads
24 Hour Availability
Money Loans
Contests for their team
What your sponsor expects from YOU:
1.) In order to get the most you must communicate often.
2.) Attend Meetings. Whether it’s a conference call or local meetings!
3.) Acknowledge Upline. And I don't mean just on Facebook. I mean in general. Your upline is human just like you are. They like to be appreciated just like you do. They don't like to be constantly expected to just give and give and give and never get a thank you, or an I appreciate all you do/have done for me, or something similar. Does this mean send flowers and candy and treat them like a goddess?? NO, but some people don't even have sponsors that give them any training or help at all. Be sure you are being appreciative of what you HAVE.
4.) Report back with solutions that don't work. This is important because if the solutions to your problems do not work then more help is needed either from her upline or corporate.
5.) Hot buttons. You MUST tell your sponsor what your "hot button" is or how will they know? Sponsors are not mind readers. We cannot just assume what it is that you want. You must tell us. I guarantee you that if you tell your sponsor what it is that you want from your business, she WILL help you get it!
6.) Be friendly to everyone around you. This includes your O2 sisters in the FB group and or from other teams. You catch more flies with honey. You are more apt to get help from people if they think you are a likable person.
This is a pick and choose business. It is not mandatory for you to attend any training, corporate or otherwise. Take what you can get and appreciate that you had the chance to get it and if it works for you then great. You'll make more money and you'll maybe even be a better leader or you'll be inspired to BE a leader.
Just keep in mind that your leaders are human too. We truly care about your success but we also care about our families and other commitments too.
October 29, 2013
October 28, 2013
Booking Ideas
Hey, I just wanted to share a great post from another designer who blogs for her team and thought it would be very helpful to share as well.
I receive tons of questions on booking ideas and thought this would be very beneficial, especially for my new team mates. I am sure a lot of you are in the same boat as my new girls....you just received your kit, you are absolutely in love with the beautiful jewelry, but now what??? You need to start booking Jewelry Bars!!!
Here is a list of ideas to help you think outside of the box and start booking those parties!
- Have a Facebook/Virtual Party - Connect with your friends all over the country. Set a date and time for everyone to log in to Facebook. Offer a door prize to those who attend, an additional incentive to those who ask questions about your business and then let them shop away! As the hostess, you can either earn the hostess rewards for yourself to earn inventory, or raffle off the rewards as an extra incentive to those who attend and place an order.
- Party On the Go - Fill up a pouch or bag with a few catalogs, orders forms, hostess exclusive flier, recruiting flier and a few lockets complete with charms, dangles and a chain and let the products sell themselves! Give to the hostess to take to work, a friend's house, family get together or a girl's night out. She collects the orders and earns FREE jewelry from all the hostess benefits.
- Mystery Hostess Party - Guests earn tickets various ways in order to win the hostess rewards. This can be done on-line or in a home. Guests can earn tickets by bringing a friend, bringing an outside order, booking a party, or signing up as a Designer. Get creative!!! Once all the orders are in, draw a ticket to see who wins the hostess benefits.
- Heels and Deals Booking Blitz - Pull together your list of FRANKS (Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors, Kids (Mom's of Your Kids's friends), Spouse (Wife's of your Spouses friends). Put on your sassiest pair of heels, your hottest lip stick and set the timer on your phone for one hour. Call as many people as you can in that hour asking them to host a party or just to say thank you for supporting your business. Build that relationship with your customer, a phone call really does go a long way. Having those sassy heals and lipstick on really does go along way, when you feel sassy and confident, it will shine through to the other end of the line. Try it and see what happens!!!
- Booking Blitz Buddies - You know how they say you are more likely to succeed with your diet if you have a buddy? The same goes for Booking Blitz's! Try the Heels and Deals booking blitz with a fellow Designer. Knowing that you have the support of a fellow Origami Owl sister will make the Booking Blitz go a lot quicker and will be a little less scary if you know you have a buddy cheering you on. Once your power hour is up, call each other to share your success stories!
- Open House/Launch Party/New Product Premier - You do not have to have your launch party only when you first become a Designer. You can have an Open House/Launch Party/New Product Premier style party to celebrate a new catalog, a new special, or just an excuse to get your family and friends together.
- School Events - Ask to set up a table at a School sporting event, Open house, PTA meeting, Band Concert, etc.
- Kid's Sporting Event - I am actually using this idea from a fellow Hoot Mama. She set up a small table display at her child's Soccer game and the Soccer Mom's went wild!! Make sure to pass out catalogs to all the Mom's for both the home and away teams. Soccer Mom's love Origami Owl. Don't forget to purchase in advance a lot of Soccer ball charms!
- Mommy and Me Tea Party/Brunch - Have Mom's and Daughters of all ages gather at your home or even a Tea room/Coffee shop for a morning of fun and pampering. Serve finger sandwiches, cookies and tea/punch. You can even team up with anther direct sales company that offers pampering products and have her invite her guests. You can both share in the leads and the pampering!
- Neighborhood Ambush - Distribute fliers with your information and a coupon for 'One FREE Charm' for scheduling a party with you. You can choose your neighborhood or every neighborhood in the city! I love to do this during my Kid's naptime. I load up the kids in the car with a few hundred fliers and pass them out to all the neighborhoods in my city as the kids sleep soundly in their car seats. It's a great way to have a very productive nap time!
- Shopapalooza - This is a great idea to do around the holidays. Team up with friends who sell for other Direct Sales Companies and host a one stop shop!! Each consultant will invite their friends, family, contacts and previous customers. In return, you all gain new customers from the huge pool of attendees. It's a great way to network with other Direct Sales consultants and gain new customers at the same time!
- Have Your Friends Help! - Give your friends a locket to wear if they do not own one already. Have them wear it to work, the grocery store, Target, their kids's extracurricular activities. Arm them with catalogs and Business cards too so when people ask them where they bought their beautiful locket, your friends will let them know!
- Booking Games - There are so many different booking games out there to play during your Jewelry Bar®. I shared with you my favorite booking game, Deal or No Deal, and it has worked many times!! Team Hoot Mamas can provide real life testimonials on how well it has worked for them too!
Great Places to Leave Catalogs for Potential Bookings
- Hair Salons/Boutiques/Personal Gyms - Ask to set up a small display with catalogs and fliers, if a display will not work, ask to leave your catalogs in a common area of the facility.
- Doctors Offices/Hospital Waiting Rooms- Leave several catalogs Doctor's offices and Hospital Waiting rooms. Be sure to introduce yourself to the receptionist and let her know of your new business. See if she will mind if you leave a few catalogs behind.
- Break Room at Place of Employment - Leave a catalog in the break room/lunchroom at your place of employment. Are you a Stay At Home Mom? Then ask your spouse to bring catalogs to work and pass them around and leave them in his break room or lunch room.
- Teacher's Lounge at Your Child's School - Ask your child's teach or principal if they have a lounge that they could leave a few of your catalogs in. Teacher's love Origami Owl®!!
- Leave a Catalog with your Waitress - If you received amazing service while you were out to dinner or think your waitress would make an amazing Designer on your team, leave her a catalog or your Business Card. Leave a personalized note just for her on how she would make an amazing addition to your team or party hostess. She will give you a call just to hear more! .
Do you have any booking ideas that worked for you? I would love to hear! Please leave me a comment and share your success stories!
October 11, 2013
To Have Extra Inventory or to Not
To Have Origami Owl Inventory or To Not Have Inventory is a question that is always asked by new designers. Origami Owl is a unique company because designers are able to run their business how they want and what works for their life style. There are pros and cons to both ways of running your business and then there is always the option of doing both.
I love Origami Owl because once someone sees a locket, it sells itself. I think you are smart business person when you look for a business that is something that people want and not just what you like. Origami Owl is just that.
Having an Inventory Based Origami Owl business
Having lots of inventory on hand can definitely have its perks. The great thing about having inventory is that you can sell for personal orders and at events. Your customers are able to take their order home that day or night. Cash and carry is great for Events and then you can just order the items that they may need if you don't have it - huge instant gratification when they can take it with them. We all know that being women and shoppers, we tend to be impulsive buyers and when we see something we love we want it right away...the longer it takes to order, the easier it is to change your mind and make excuses of why you shouldn't buy it yet. Plus we all carry a card...so it just makes it so easy to swipe away :). We love to have our goodies immediately. Also having inventory on hand allows friends or family members who need a quick gift to come over any time they want to purchase things or for them to buy a charm here or there to add to their locket. Doing this will allow for your inventory to fly off the shelves. They save on the time it would take to ship to them. You will make a ton of money immediately if you have stuff on hand but……here is the con and the idea behind having an order based business.
Orders for Jewelry Bars with a Hostess
Origami Owl is not Hostess Reward Sponsored, meaning that the company will cover the hostess rewards; therefore, in order for the Hostess to receive FULL credit on all her party orders the orders must be placed under her Party ID Number. If you have a customer that needs the order for a quick gift, you can allow those customers to do make in take from your inventory but you will need to reorder those new inventory items that equals that Order total so that the Hostess still receives credit and you can replenish your inventory by having those orders shipped to you.
Having an Order Based Origami Owl Business
Origami Owl is a party planning company. The idea is have parties, fill your calendar with bookings and interest people in regards to running their own Origami Owl business. If people think they can just purchase Origami Owl whenever they want, they are way less likely to book parties . Sales are you paycheck for today, Bookings are your paycheck for tomorrow and Recruits are your paycheck for years to come. ” When you have parties on your calendar, you are guaranteed 5-15 people per party. That is a lot of people to be in front of to 1. sell lockets 2. book more parties and sell more lockets and 3. talk to people about joining your team. So let’s just say, you keep inventory and you see 10 people a month who buy. If you booked 4 parties, that would be on average 40 buying customers who would probably book more parties (with more people) and probably 4 to 5 of those people would want to start their own business. See the potential here?
Yes having inventory is great for events or craft fairs. It gets the products out there but even with events, the key is to network and talk about how great having jewelry bars would be. We all like to sell product and get immediate cash but the big money is in the long haul. I do have a little inventory for prizes and those last minute gifts for my VIP customers but I truly focus on bookings and recruiting. Origami Owl became a party planning business to share their lockets at girls nights out and let people have the experience. That is what it is all about. As I said there are pros and cons to each but I believe if you want to have a successful long term business, designers need to focus on being in front of people and sharing how amazing Origami Owl truly is.
October 8, 2013
The Perfect Week and Time for your Business
Where are you going to find the time and how much work do you want?
It is easy to find small blocks (10-15 minutes ) of time in your schedule opposed to 1-2 hours.
In 10-15 minutes you can:
- Call 3-4 Customers or text them.
- Coach your hostess for her upcoming Jewelry Bar.
- Put Address labels on your take out menus.
- Set up a coffee or lunch date to talk to a future Designer.
It is very important to set a goal for yourself each month:
- I will have 4 Jewelry Bars in October
- I will sign up 2 New Designers
Majority of Designers average 10-hour work week. Some Origami Owl Designer's week may look like this:
4 jewelry bars a month resulting in $1200 in PV and get them to meet and interact with 40 new people a month.
He or she schedules Thursday night to be on webinars/conference calls, office time for him/her to work their business, and ‘No Work’ zones for her family and other life obligations and pleasures.
Have more time on your hands? Consider the following:
The 26-hours Designer holds 10 Origami Owl jewelry bars a month resulting in 3000 in PV. He or she meets 100 new people a month and averages 4-6 personally mentored in her team.
Earnings are $500/week in commissions and is quickly heading for Senior or Executive Team Leader. This momentum may lead to commissions of $1000, and with time considered is about $30-40 an hour in rate of earnings.
Designing the Perfect Week is not seeing how much money you are able to make but having the ability to control your time they way you want it, while reaping the financial rewards that Origami Owl has to offer.
This calendar (located in the Back Office Under Resources/Jewelry Bar Materials) is very clearly marked with “NO Work" zone and this is very important for the health of your business, your personal life and balance in your and your families life…It is so easy for us to get caught up in our business. Re assure yourself that in 10-15 minutes you can really rock your business.
Some more tips on Designing the Perfect Week is to use colored markers or tabs that you can write on. Fill your Calendar with to-do's, family time, gym, events, church, friend time, origami owl, no work zone and any other things that you do throughout your day. It is important to make time for yourself to focus on your goals, dreams and to relax!
How to fill your calendar:
- Wear your living locket everywhere
- Mark your calendar with your best days for jewelry bars
- Make customer calls
Simple Script Suggestion:
"Hi, Susie, this is Shellie, your Origami Owl Designer. Have I caught you at a bad time?
Great! I'm giving you a quick call today because as one of my preferred customers/hostesses in the month of October, you are entitled to our Hostess Exclusive in addition to our profitable Hostess Program.
So Susie, how would you feel about hosting a special evening with your friends in October, developing a closer relationship with them, receiving Hostess Exclusive specials and receiving FREE Origami Owl jewelry? You can add to our own Living Locket or start a Living Locket for someone else for free!"
One of the hardest things for us all to do, including myself is to remember "If it is not on the calendar, or if it is not time for it, don’t do it."
We all have to learn to manage our time and to not burnout. Try this Perfect Week Calendar to help keep you organized and ensure your calendar is not controlling your life!!
October 7, 2013
How to Plan your Launch Party
- Best Perk, you will make yourself the Hostess and earn free product, half off items, earn the Hostess Exclusive to show off at future Jewelry Bars + more to add to your inventory to display!
- Allows you to introduce your new business with family and friends and get their support! After all that is what friends and family are for and they want to see you succeed!
- Once they come and see the product, buy and wear it, you will start to build that customer base because they will help you market your business just by wearing the product. You can also ask them to host a party. It only takes that 1 person outside of your circle to open up a whole new customer base!
- You will gain experience at your first party by learning how to set-up a Jewelry Bar Party in the Back Office, speaking about the product, completing the order forms and placing your first Jewelry Bar order/closing a party.
Keep the launch party simple and don't focus so much on selling but for you to practice, generate interest, leads and future bookings. Remember the three P's: Preparing, Planning and Presentation.
When you have a designated email address just for your Origami Owl business, it tells everyone you are OPEN FOR BUSINESS!You will be sending out emails about your new business to prospective customers and hostesses. Send out an email to let everyone know that your now an Origami Owl Independent Designer! Here is a sample email script your welcome to use and feel free to edit it to make it your own,
Hi ____________- I am so excited to announce that I have recently started my own business as an Origami Owl designer. Origami Owl is an amazing company founded by a 14 year old girl just 2 years ago with a dream of saving enough money to purchase her first car.
The Living Lockets are so adorable and unique that I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to become a designer myself. Every jewelry creation serves as a reminder of who you are, where you have been, where you are going and the dreams you carry in your heart. So, look inside yourself to create fun, fashionable, meaningful jewelry that is as unique as you are.
For those of you that don't know about direct sales, we depend on the support of family and friends, and it grows from there. I am asking if you would be willing to host an in-home party, catalog party or virtual Facebook party with me. All of these 3 options are quite simple and you, as the hostess, earn hostess exclusive items, discounted jewelry and free product!
Origami Owl Jewelry Bars are a great opportunity to get together with family, friends and neighbors while checking out gorgeous, meaningful jewelry. Origami Owl Jewelry Bars are always so much fun and very easy to host! I will be your party planning partner and will help you every step of the way to plan a very successful jewelry bar.
Origami Owl has released the new catalog with so many new products and styles which makes this the perfect opportunity to have a party. Your friends and family will love all of the new products and be able to purchase a special keepsake that they will cherish for years to come.
Know anybody who would love hosting an Origami Owl Jewelry Bar or would be interested in joining me on my exciting new career? I love referrals and would greatly appreciate it if you would share my new business with your friends and family.
To learn more about Origami Owl and my new business, please go to my Facebook page www.facebook.com/____________________ and click “like” and “share” or to place an order, please visit my Origami Owl website at www._____________.origamiowl.com.
Thanks to all of you who have already placed an order or booked a party with me. Your support has been amazing and I am truly humbled by the positive response I have received. I am loving every minute of my Origami Owl business!! It has given me the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others, by giving them the chance to express themselves, their story, with jewelry!! I could not have done it without the help and support of my friends and family.
Please feel free to contact me at ########@gmail.com with any questions."
Relax and Have a Good Time!! You want to show people that you love your business. If they see you having fun…..they usually want to join too
- Set a date for your launch party within the first 7-10 days of receiving your starter kit.
- Share the date with your mentor and see if she can attend your Launch Party for support and guidance. If not, see if she can be available by phone in case you have any last minute questions.
- Share the excitement with your friends and family by inviting them to see what Origami Owl is all about. Use your A.L.I.C.E. Who Do you KNOW?? USE A.L.I.C.E. TO LIST EVERYONE YOU KNOW! Here’s an acronym that can help you create a contact list of everyone you know – friends, family, coworkers, people you do business with and people you meet while out and about. Include a variety of folks from diverse groups so you can branch out and share Origami Owl® with people from different circles of your life. You can also share this acronym with your Hostesses to help them create their guest list for their upcoming Jewelry Bar®. Did you know only 25% of your invites will actually show up so make sure you over invite!!!· Begin calling everyone to encourage them to save the date.
- Consider using different invite methods since not everyone uses the same form of communication. Create a Facebook event, Send out Invites VIA MAIL, Send use the Back Office to send out E-vites and use red stamp to text or email them a digital invitation to share with others. I always recommend to my designers to mail out invites and send out about 10 -12 days in advance.
Encourage guests to bring a friend or family and offer a little something special for those that do this.
When planning your Origami Owl® Launch party, NEVER have an Open House! You are having a party, better you a JEWELRY BAR!!
Consider doing the Magical 2-3-2 Jewelry Bar Method, this approach allows you to provide a variety of times that people can work with around their busy schedule.
What is the 2-3-2 Formula?
2 Days – 3 Times – 2 Hours Each
Number of Jewelry Bars you are having = 3
Same work but 3 times the chance to party!!
By using this formula you can double or triple the number of possible guest but be clear in your invitation wording that you have several choices in times to attend. Have a time set that is kid friendly as this is most often the reason people cannot come and have a “girl’s night, no kids” for those that want to have a break as well.
Suggested Wording for Your Invitations: “Hello! As you may have heard, I have started an exciting new business venture as an Independent Designer with Origami Owl®! Origami Owl® is a fun and unique way to tell your personalized story through our customized Living Lockets with charms, plates, dangles, and our Tagged collection. The product has touched me, and I decided that I wanted to be a part of it. The company is very new, and the growth and demand has been unprecedented. I will be launching my business this weekend [dates], with a Jewelry Bar in my home. It’s a great way to get hands-on, design your own locket, and see what it’s all about. Please choose one of the following dates, and let me know if you can stop by!
Date 1:
Date 2:
Date 3:
Feel free to also browse the following links, to learn more about Origami Owl® and my business!
Shop Online: [replicated website/shop]
LIKE my Facebook page: [insert FB link]
FOLLOW me on Pinterest: [insert Pinterest link]
Thank you so much for supporting me and my business. I look forward to seeing you at one of my launch parties!”
Follow-up 2-3 days before your party with phone calls, text messages, and emails as a reminder and a way to keep the lines of communication open with your guests. Even post a Facebook update to remind your friends of your exciting event they certainly do not want to miss!
You do not need to have a lot of inventory to have a lovely display, keep it simple and remember that even though we are called Origami Owl, don’t put owls all over your display. The primary focus needs to be the jewelry, so consider 1 white owl for your display. Aqua and white as your primary display colors, with pops of pink, coral, silver, or black. If you’re not ready for a lot of out of pocket expense just have jewelry bust or shadow box, where you can display or hang the necklaces.
- Use the checklist to make sure your prepared with all the right tools for your party:
- Have opportunity packets made (Opportunity Flyer, Catalog, Business Cards, Product Points of Difference, Career Plan and Soar to Success Flyer.)
- Have host packets made up (Hostess Exclusive Flyer, Business Cards, Order forms (3-5), 2 Catalogs, Opportunity Flyer, Hostess Steps to Success, Products Points of Difference and a hostess letter created by you or find one that others have shared on Facebook.)
- Have business cards made before your party.
- Have order forms filled out with your name as the consultant, the tax rate and the shipping cost.
- Separate your charms out into the different categories, that way customers know what they are looking at.
- Have a calculator, money bag or something to put customer’s money/checks in and plenty of pens.
- Practice how to set up your display
- Practice what to say and how to answer questions
- Get your systems in place as far as checkout
- Practice talking to people about the opportunity.
- Don't go overboard with food... keep it simple! Everyone will be more focused on your beautiful Lockets and not on the food!
Now it's time to set up that beautiful, new starter kit you received! One question I always receive from new Designers is whether or not the new kit has enough to show off at your first couple of parties. Absolutely!! Origami Owl® provides you with a starter business kit so that you will have enough supplies to have a show of your own. You will place orders online for anything customers order at your launch. Try to place orders within 24 hours. It is okay to use your products as advertisements and take orders; just allow enough time for delivery of the orders for those who purchase for the purpose of gift giving.
{A few tips and tricks to help you with your Jewelry Bar}
Remember the 4 B’s when you close each sale.
- Better Sales –Encourage them to compliment their orders with additional items and recommend great gift ideas.
- Bookings - Remember to show the benefits of being a Hostess and ask for future bookings during checkout.
- Business Opportunity – Share how O2 can help them to start living their dreams.
- “By the way” – Ask for referrals..”who do you know?”
Take a look at your Calendar for the next two months. Choose the dates that will fit into your schedule. Make a list of YOUR closest open party dates. Let guests choose which day they want to hold their parties from your available dates. If you give a gift for booking a party –tell them to choose their favorite charm and you will give to them the night of their party. Make sure to add their jewelry bar date to your Calendar right away and provide with a hostess packet before they leave the party.
Set up a little check out area with your Opportunity packets, hostess packets and Business Cards. You also want to have your calculator, smart phone, a pen and your Calendar/Planner with you as well during the checkout process. I have one catalog with tabs that are labeled so that it is easier and faster for me to flip to sections when taking orders.
Launch parties are entirely OPTIONAL. If you want to jump straight into hosted Jewelry Bars, that’s great! These are just a casual way to generate interest and get booking leads. If you already have them, you’re ahead of the curve.
Don't forget to take a deep breath, relax and have fun! Have a great time showing off your new business to your friends and family. Your excitement will be contagious, your guests will want to be a part of it too whether it's joining your team or hosting a party. Good luck! You’re going to be amazing.
October 3, 2013
How to add a Facebook Tab to your Origami Owl Business Page
One of the most difficult and time consuming thing to do is to to set up your Origami Owl business page. I'm sure you all have seen those awesome tabs that other designers have on their page that directs you to their website to shop, join the company, contact them, visit their pinterest and instagram pages. So another designer decided to give back and make this quick video on how to make your tabs in very little time. I hope you enjoy it and make all your tabs in minutes.
How to Create your Origami Owl Business Facebook Page

1. Go to https://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php.
a. Once the page is up, click the green CREATE A PAGE button at the top.

2. Next, you’ll see choice boxes, instructing you to choose what your business is. There are a couple
ways of doing this. Most of the time you will choose a brand or product. I also like to use the Local Business category. The reason is if you are willing to put in your home address, your business will be able to be searched on Google. For this set up we are going to Choose “Brand or Product” 
3. Choose “Jewelry/Watches” and type in the name you want for your page, making sure it complies with any guidelines provided by O2.

4. ABOUT: Next, you are going to type in your Fan page name under the drop down box. I urge you to read Facebook’s Terms of Service and then check the box stating you agree. You will also want to read Origami Owl’s policies for Social Media names. They make is clear what they allow for Fan page names.
For example, mine is www.Facebook.com/Locketsbyshellie

5. Facebook will then ask you to fill out some information about your new Origami Owl business. Follow each of the steps that it asks. For the two Yes or No questions, be sure to click next and then save your info.
6. Upload a profile picture (perhaps a recent headshot or a picture of you doing something that relates to your Origami Owl business, I would not recommend a logo because you cannot build a connection with a logo).
7. Next you will notice that Facebook will add your new Fan page to your favorites list. This will make it much easier for you to locate and access daily.

8. Now you can add a cover photo. The Back office has some new great options to choose from.
9. Your Facebook Fan page is now created. Now you will need to update your page info.
10. Be sure to update your page info. This means telling your fans all about you in the ABOUT section. Be sure to use keywords as well as your website address in the about section. Fill out the About section completely. Let people get to know you.
Be sure to look at the small area section of the admin panel. This section allows you to claim a custom URL for your page. That means that instead of something like
http://www.facebook.com/pages/your-site-name12345678901 , you can choose something that people will remember such as www.Facebook.com/locketsbyshellie
Be careful when setting your username—it can only be changed once!
11. Invite your friends (especially your customers) to “Like” your page.
12. Enter your Origami Owl business website address and explain what people can expect by liking your page. Like special discounts, giveaways, notice on the latest Origami Owl product lines, etc.
13. Double check under “Your Settings” that the box is checked to get email notifications whenever someone comments on your page or messages you (even so, it’s a good idea to check your page frequently to see if someone has contacted you with a question—you don’t want to miss customer inquiries via Facebook!).
14. Be sure to save any changes.
Now you are ready to post away and share your Origami Owl Business with the world. You should be posting 3-4 times per day with a variety of information in regards to Origami Owl, humor, tips and personal stuff about you.
How do I promote my page?
· Put your Facebook page URL in your email signature (along with your personal company site URL).
· Make your Facebook page your “employer” on your personal Facebook profile.
· Invite your friends to like your page: click “Build Audience”, “Invite Friends” in the Admin Panel of your page (be careful with “Invite Email Contacts”—it usually ends up turning into a friend request to each person you invite to your page!).

3. Choose “Jewelry/Watches” and type in the name you want for your page, making sure it complies with any guidelines provided by O2.

4. ABOUT: Next, you are going to type in your Fan page name under the drop down box. I urge you to read Facebook’s Terms of Service and then check the box stating you agree. You will also want to read Origami Owl’s policies for Social Media names. They make is clear what they allow for Fan page names.
For example, mine is www.Facebook.com/Locketsbyshellie

5. Facebook will then ask you to fill out some information about your new Origami Owl business. Follow each of the steps that it asks. For the two Yes or No questions, be sure to click next and then save your info.
6. Upload a profile picture (perhaps a recent headshot or a picture of you doing something that relates to your Origami Owl business, I would not recommend a logo because you cannot build a connection with a logo).
7. Next you will notice that Facebook will add your new Fan page to your favorites list. This will make it much easier for you to locate and access daily.

8. Now you can add a cover photo. The Back office has some new great options to choose from.
9. Your Facebook Fan page is now created. Now you will need to update your page info.
10. Be sure to update your page info. This means telling your fans all about you in the ABOUT section. Be sure to use keywords as well as your website address in the about section. Fill out the About section completely. Let people get to know you.
Be sure to look at the small area section of the admin panel. This section allows you to claim a custom URL for your page. That means that instead of something like
http://www.facebook.com/pages/your-site-name12345678901 , you can choose something that people will remember such as www.Facebook.com/locketsbyshellie
Be careful when setting your username—it can only be changed once!
11. Invite your friends (especially your customers) to “Like” your page.
12. Enter your Origami Owl business website address and explain what people can expect by liking your page. Like special discounts, giveaways, notice on the latest Origami Owl product lines, etc.
13. Double check under “Your Settings” that the box is checked to get email notifications whenever someone comments on your page or messages you (even so, it’s a good idea to check your page frequently to see if someone has contacted you with a question—you don’t want to miss customer inquiries via Facebook!).
14. Be sure to save any changes.
Now you are ready to post away and share your Origami Owl Business with the world. You should be posting 3-4 times per day with a variety of information in regards to Origami Owl, humor, tips and personal stuff about you.
How do I promote my page?
· Put your Facebook page URL in your email signature (along with your personal company site URL).
· Make your Facebook page your “employer” on your personal Facebook profile.
· Invite your friends to like your page: click “Build Audience”, “Invite Friends” in the Admin Panel of your page (be careful with “Invite Email Contacts”—it usually ends up turning into a friend request to each person you invite to your page!).
*Don’t spam your friends with invites. Invite them to like your page once, then invite only new friends after that.
What do I post on my page?
Get started by “sharing” pictures of your locket and telling your story.
1. Click “Share” under the status you want to share:
2. Choose to share “On your Page”, write any introduction you’d like to the status/link, and click “Share Status”:
3. You can use your page to update your customers about sales, specials, upcoming events, and new products, as well as share tips, ideas, and pertinent links.
4. Sharing photos is often the best way to get “likes” and comments. Use the photo caption area to include links to applicable products/specials.
5. Make sure to share product links that direct customers to your replicated website. i.e. Shellie.OrigmiOwl.com. If the Nest posts something about a new product or Image on their Facebook page, you can copy what they wrote, but replace their link with the direct link to the product’s page on your own consultant site:
Should I “Like” other pages from my page?
Yes! Your page can “like” other pages by clicking “Add to My Page’s Favorites” in the page’s sidebar. This is a great way to give your customers easy access to the other pages pertinent to your business. You can even select which ones will always be featured there by selecting the “Featured” option when editing your page’s info.
How often should I post on my Facebook page?
The biggest rule of thumb to remember is not to spam your page’s “fans.” Posting several times a day is okay, but spread it out! Sharing too many links/updates at once is a quick way to get your page unliked. Take advantage of the scheduling feature so that you can compose your posts in one chunk of time but spread out their posting schedule.
Should I ask my customers to post on my Facebook page?
It’s up to the permissions you set, but you can invite customers to post pictures of their lockets created with your products on your Facebook page.
What if my customers want to help me promote my Facebook page?
The best way they can help promote your business via your page is to invite their friends to like your page (by sharing it on their wall), and then by “liking” your posts. The more your fans like your posts, the more Facebook displays your posts to your fans.
Should I create Facebook events for my business events?
It can be a good way to generate interest and collect RSVP’s. If you do create Facebook invites for your Origami Owl events, make sure to keep your customers’ privacy as your main concern: make it a friends-only event so that customers can still invite friends but the general public can’t see that they are gone from home at that time for that event.
***Please note that it is against Origami Owl Policies to create paid Facebook ads for your business...so skip that portion of the Facebook sign up process.
What do I post on my page?
Get started by “sharing” pictures of your locket and telling your story.
1. Click “Share” under the status you want to share:
2. Choose to share “On your Page”, write any introduction you’d like to the status/link, and click “Share Status”:
3. You can use your page to update your customers about sales, specials, upcoming events, and new products, as well as share tips, ideas, and pertinent links.
4. Sharing photos is often the best way to get “likes” and comments. Use the photo caption area to include links to applicable products/specials.
5. Make sure to share product links that direct customers to your replicated website. i.e. Shellie.OrigmiOwl.com. If the Nest posts something about a new product or Image on their Facebook page, you can copy what they wrote, but replace their link with the direct link to the product’s page on your own consultant site:
Should I “Like” other pages from my page?
Yes! Your page can “like” other pages by clicking “Add to My Page’s Favorites” in the page’s sidebar. This is a great way to give your customers easy access to the other pages pertinent to your business. You can even select which ones will always be featured there by selecting the “Featured” option when editing your page’s info.
How often should I post on my Facebook page?
The biggest rule of thumb to remember is not to spam your page’s “fans.” Posting several times a day is okay, but spread it out! Sharing too many links/updates at once is a quick way to get your page unliked. Take advantage of the scheduling feature so that you can compose your posts in one chunk of time but spread out their posting schedule.
Should I ask my customers to post on my Facebook page?
It’s up to the permissions you set, but you can invite customers to post pictures of their lockets created with your products on your Facebook page.
What if my customers want to help me promote my Facebook page?
The best way they can help promote your business via your page is to invite their friends to like your page (by sharing it on their wall), and then by “liking” your posts. The more your fans like your posts, the more Facebook displays your posts to your fans.
Should I create Facebook events for my business events?
It can be a good way to generate interest and collect RSVP’s. If you do create Facebook invites for your Origami Owl events, make sure to keep your customers’ privacy as your main concern: make it a friends-only event so that customers can still invite friends but the general public can’t see that they are gone from home at that time for that event.
***Please note that it is against Origami Owl Policies to create paid Facebook ads for your business...so skip that portion of the Facebook sign up process.
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