October 11, 2013

To Have Extra Inventory or to Not

To Have Origami Owl Inventory or To Not Have Inventory is a question that is always asked by new designers. Origami Owl is a unique company because designers are able to run their business how they want and what works for their life style. There are pros and cons to both ways of running your business and then there is always the option of doing both.

I love Origami Owl because once someone sees a locket, it sells itself. I think you are smart business person when you look for a business that is something that people want and not just what you like. Origami Owl is just that.

Having an Inventory Based Origami Owl business

Having lots of inventory on hand can definitely have its perks. The great thing about having inventory is that you can sell for personal orders and at events. Your customers are able to take their order home that day or night. Cash and carry is great for Events and then you can just order the items that they may need if you don't have it - huge instant gratification when they can take it with them. We all know that being women and shoppers, we tend to be impulsive buyers and when we see something we love we want it right away...the longer it takes to order, the easier it is to change your mind and make excuses of why you shouldn't buy it yet. Plus we all carry a card...so it just makes it so easy to swipe away :). We love to have our goodies immediately. Also having inventory on hand allows friends or family members who need a quick gift to come over any time they want to purchase things or for them to buy a charm here or there to add to their locket. Doing this will allow for your inventory to fly off the shelves. They save on the time it would take to ship to them. You will make a ton of money immediately if you have stuff on hand but……here is the con and the idea behind having an order based business.

Orders for Jewelry Bars with a Hostess

Origami Owl is not Hostess Reward Sponsored, meaning that the company will cover the hostess rewards; therefore, in order for the Hostess to receive FULL credit on all her party orders the orders must be placed under her Party ID Number. If you have a customer that needs the order for a quick gift, you can allow those customers to do make in take from your inventory but you will need to reorder those new inventory items that equals that Order total so that the Hostess still receives credit and you can replenish your inventory by having those orders shipped to you. 

Having an Order Based Origami Owl Business

Origami Owl is a party planning company. The idea is have parties, fill your calendar with bookings and interest people in regards to running their own Origami Owl business. If people think they can just purchase Origami Owl whenever they want, they are way less likely to book parties . Sales are you paycheck for today, Bookings are your paycheck for tomorrow and Recruits are your paycheck for years to come. ” When you have parties on your calendar, you are guaranteed 5-15 people per party. That is a lot of people to be in front of to 1. sell lockets 2. book more parties and sell more lockets and 3. talk to people about joining your team. So let’s just say, you keep inventory and you see 10 people a month who buy. If you booked 4 parties, that would be on average 40 buying customers who would probably book more parties (with more people) and probably 4 to 5 of those people would want to start their own business. See the potential here?

Yes having inventory is great for events or craft fairs. It gets the products out there but even with events, the key is to network and talk about how great having jewelry bars would be. We all like to sell product and get immediate cash but the big money is in the long haul.  I do have a little inventory for prizes and those last minute gifts for my VIP customers but I truly focus on bookings and recruiting.  Origami Owl became a party planning business to share their lockets at girls nights out and let people have the experience.  That is what it is all about. As I said there are pros and cons to each but I believe if you want to have a successful long term business, designers need to focus on being in front of people and sharing how amazing Origami Owl truly is.


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