September 23, 2013

Jewelry Bar/Online/Business Supply Orders

Which way do you need to order?

Customers Online Orders on YOUR website:
One way is your customer orders through your website. Online Orders will shipped directly to the customer and you can view their contact information by going to the back office, hove over "Orders" and select Order Summary and to the right you will click on "Completed" Orders. Once it ships, it will change to “shipped” and you will see the tracking information in a blue link. When a customer orders online and attaches it to a jewelry bar you will see the hostesses name in Jewelry Bar Code section and these orders will ship immediately and will not be held for shipment until the party closes. 

Wholesale Orders:
When you are ordering for your own stock, or ordering for a client that paid YOU (all checks should be made to YOU!) with cash or check, or you used your own credit card processes, such as Pay Anywhere/Square/Paypal, you can place a wholesale order for them to keep the commission upfront. This is something you can do for individual orders that are not attached to a Jewelry Bar Party. Since you are charging them the Retail Price and your ordering at the discounted whole sale price you will want to pay for this order with your own debit/credit card, but are only paying the wholesale pricing. You will receive your commissions immediately when the customers pay with these forms.  Please note that you will not earn Hostess Rewards for orders under the wholesale tab, only in a qualifying party through the Jewelry Bar Tab. 

**Please see the Training Material Documents located in the 02 Lounge/Document Library/Training Materials for all the update webinars and PDF's for the new system.

Once you log in to your back office, you will find yourself on the home page. Look at the top left side of the
menu bar and hover over the “Orders” tab and select “New Designer Order” from the drop down menu.
Remember, this is just for orders that you want to place for yourself as a Designer!

There are four main steps to placing a Designer wholesale order:
1. Designer info
2. View cart
3. Payment
4. Cart summary

Because the wholesale order you are placing is for yourself, your billing and shipping information will show up in
the fields automatically You will notice that when your adding items to your shopping bag that they are listed as retail price, once checkout and apply payment for your order you will be to view the wholesale cost for your order.

Business Supply Orders
You can also order business materials here too. To order your business materials from your back office hover over “Orders” on the menu bar at the top of the page and select “Business Supply Order” in the drop down menu. Please note, that you cannot combine a business material order and a jewelry order.
Immediately a "Quick Order Pad" will appear for you to enter the item number and the quantity you desire. If you do not know the item number, close the "Quick Order Pad" and click on "Product Search" button, go to "Category" drop down menu and click on "Business Materials". You can then search by the description name or keyword and then click on "Search" to find the item or items you desire. Currently the "Continue Shopping" button does not work for finding business materials. 

Jewelry Bar Party/Online Party and Credit Card Orders:
When you book a Jewelry Bar party you will want to create a new Jewelry Bar along with your Hostess' information by hovering over "Jewelry Bars" in the top menu and clicking on "Open/New Jewelry Bars" from the drop down menu. On this page you will enter the Hostess' name and information as well as the date for her jewelry bar and whether or not it is an Online Catalog Party or an In Home Jewelry Bar. You can change the Hostess address at the time of closing out the party to your Designer address to have all the orders shipped to you for the $4.00 group shipping rate (Currently the designer selection does not offer the group rate). I like orders to be shipped directly to me so that I can look over all the items carefully for quality/defective/missing items. This allows me to submit missing/replacement forms for the customer and the chance to pull from my inventory if I have the item that they need on hand to fulfill their order immediately and replenish my inventory with the replacement once I receive it back from the nest.

Guest can receive "e-vites" now through the back office, you must obtain their first and last name and e-mail address in order to send this out. Have the hostess provide you with out of town contacts and those that can't attend because they can order online by entering in her Jewelry Bar Code and using her shopping link provided in her confirmation e-mail. Online ordering is a great option for guests who can't attend the party, their order can be shipped directly to them and immediately...Best party their order is NOT held until the party closes. 

When a guest wants to order that can’t attend the party, or you are having an Online Catalog Party, they will simply select the shopping link that they received in their e-mail and in the Customer Info screen they will need to enter the Hostess' Jewelry Bar code to ensure she receives credit for their order.

In order to qualify for Hostess Rewards (see the hostess rewards here) a Party must have a minimum of four orders and a total of $125. One of those orders can be the hostess order; however they must order something in addition to the hostess rewards for her order to count. With a qualified order, each guest will pay a  $4.00 group shipping rate (Shipped to the hostess or yourself) and the hostess will earn free shipping. Items are taxed at the Full Retail Price and includes items the hostess has received for Free and at discount. 

***Please see the New System Training materials in the O2 Lounge and select Document Library on the Left menu bar. Scroll down to Training Materials to locate the "How to Place A Jewelry Bar Order" document. 

Designer is the Hostess!!
Designers can make their self a Hostess and Host their own Jewelry Bar to receive the Hostess Rewards. This is a great option for Launch parties, stock up on inventory, gifts and for a new locket for yourself. 

Customer Credit Card Payments for Orders
If you are completing Jewelry Bar Orders and a customer is paying with a Credit Card, that you did not process through your own reader, which is not needed for party orders because you can write down their credit card information on the order form and enter that information into the back office when closing out the Jewelry Bar, you can apply their credit card information as you enter each Guest's order. If they paid with cash/check, then you need to deposit that money into your business checking account and can enter all payments at the same time as a final step. The Hostess can increase her Hostess Rewards by purchasing items she desires at the full retail price in the "Purchase items at Retail" section.  When you "Continue to Payments" you can add one or multiple payments to the entire Jewelry Bar at this time. As a Designer, you can also use this link to pay for shipping or for free items for Guest. The Subtotal information will include a "Less Commission," If you have retrieved Credit Card information for all Customers you will enter in their Retail Total which will give you an overage that will appear for example ($248.00) like this. If Customers paid via check our cash you will have the option to deposit that money into your account and pay at whole sale cost to keep that commission up front or pay the entire party at retail cost to receive the commission the following week from the nest. This is the option that I recommend because it is easier to track for tax purposes and you know the accurate amount that you should receive on your PayQuicker Commission Check. Otherwise you will need to remember which orders you kept commission for upfront and which ones you paid at full retail cost. 

I recommend using a Card Reader at events for Make & Take to ensure that the payment processes immediately and you are not allowing the customer to walk away with product prior to running their credit card. Read below on how to get your Pay Anywhere card swiper for Free. 

This does come in handy for individual orders not associated with a party, expos, craft fairs, events and etc.  It is not necessary for Jewelry Bars because you can process the customer credit cards through your back office in the Jewelry Bar section.
September 20, 2013

Make the most of the holiday selling season!!

Do you feel it yet? Fall and winter are coming and we are starting to ramp up for our holiday sales. It’s even more important now that you’re filling your calendar early, and host coaching often, in order to have successful holiday shows that stick. This is one of the best times of the year for the direct sales industry, so here are some helpful tips to get your business back on track and help your team reach their goals!

Booking Ideas + MORE Orders for the Holidays:

The key here is to not overbook yourself. The holidays already cause us all stress and we tend to book tons of parties during the season, so know your limits and stop when you reach them.

  • Reach out to past Hostess and any who have showed an interest in hosting a party to see if they would want to hold a jewelry bar for the holidays.
  • Consider holding a Fall/Winter Open House to introduce your companies’ new products.
  • Invite your customers or hosts over for a customer appreciation event. Consider showing them the new products being released and having them be the first to order those items before anyone else.
  • In November, consider doing a Turkey Trot. A number of Customers receive a packet and go around to collect orders to receive hostess rewards or a chance for them to win a prize.
  • Hold a Mystery Hostess Party on Facebook. Customers place an order through a specified party during checkout for a chance to receive all the hostess rewards.
  • During Halloween you could include your business card with the candy to the parents when the kids come trick or treating. 
  • Look for events in your community. Check for local craft sales, fall festivals, and school holiday festivals. It’s great exposure for your business.
  • Have frequent specials and sales for each holiday (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas, etc.) People are looking for a deal and they might just see yours!
  • Participate in give-away opportunity. You can give away a locket and have them come back for additional items, include a chain and single charm or a gift certificate. Offer it as a donation to events. There is some out of pocket expensive so make it simple and cute.
  • Participate in a fundraiser and have them raffle off a gift basket/bucket, or you can raffle it off at your booth with tickets for $1 apiece. Include a locket and show it off in the basket in some way. Also, add some catalogs, take out box, fortune cookie, business cards. Very simple & inexpensive.
  • Consider handing out wish list cards for customers to list origami owl items they want and have them share it with that special someone as a little hint on what they want for Christmas.
  • Send holiday cards to your best customers. They will appreciate the gesture. Consider including something special in there for a future purchase as well!
  • Host a party in a restaurant, hair salon, wine bar, or have one at your work during your lunch or after work.

Get organized and put some focus on your Team

  • Write down your goals for the holiday season. How many people will you add to your team? How many parties will you hold? What do you want your sales to be at?
  • Promote your opportunity! People always need extra cash during the holidays and this is the perfect time to sign up!
  • Send holiday cards to your team! If you have a large team, just send to your front line and to your leaders.
  • Hold a holiday celebration for your team! It’s nice to get together and have fun and show your appreciation without any training involved.
  • Work with the leaders on your team to help them understand the importance of the holiday season for their team.

Here are 5 quick tips to help you make the most of the holiday selling season:

1. Book early with potential hostesses. Holiday calendars fill up quickly, and if you want to be on the calendar in the first place, you need to be reaching out and scheduling those parties now. It also means you need to be more stringent in hostess coaching. Be sure to implement your follow-up system and stick to it for best results in holding shows you’ve booked. Don’t overbook yourself. Decide when you want to hold parties and how much time you wish to dedicate to your business. When you are supposed to be working…WORK. When you are supposed to be off, be off.

2. Coach your hostess as soon as you schedule her jewelry bar, before the jewelry bar and after. Connecting with your hostess 3 times before the party is the key to a successful Jewelry Bar. Provide her with the hostess packet and go over each item that you have included in it. Let your hostess in on your follow-up system and pre-show contact times so that she knows what to expect. It also holds you a bit more accountable to sticking to your follow up system. If she’s expecting you to call and you don’t, the show’s less likely to hold. On the other hand, if you tell her you’re going to email, and you do, she’ll be expecting it, so you don’t appear pushy. Continuous contact with your Hostess keeps the enthusiasm high. Send thank you notes to the hostess and guest after the Jewelry Bar to express your appreciation. Follow up with all the guest to ensure that they received their order and our happy with their creation.

3. Close the night of the show. Make SURE you do it during the holidays. Simply put, products go on back order or out of stock much faster during the holidays. An item that’s in stock in the morning can be sold out before your show that night - especially if it’s a limited edition item. In order to assure your guests will actually get the items they’re ordering before the holiday deadline, let everyone know you’ll close the jewelry bar on the night of the party.

4. Bring limited/hot products with you (cash & carry) to avoid issues with stop-sell and back-orders. I’m not one for carrying ton of inventory, but if you’re going to carry some extra items in your kit, the popular/hot items are a good choice. It encourages impulse shopping for last-minute cash & carry gifts, and makes you look like the hero if the product they wanted goes out of stock before the show order ships. It feels good to say “this item is sold out, but I have two left that I brought with me tonight.” You could potentially sale hundreds of dollars of products right off the table the night of a holiday show because people wanted to take them home with them. Ensure you replenish any items sold at a hostesses jewelry bar so that she can receive full credit for those items that you did cash & carry on, making it a win-win for everyone.. If they purchased a certain amount of products, give them the gift bag at no charge and include a sticker that has your information on it. Warning: do not carry a ton of holiday products if you don’t have the budget for it. There’s no sense going into debt on a “maybe” and then get stuck at the end of the season with products that didn’t sell.

5. Use the Full-Service Checkout (Especially at larger parties). It pays to spend quality time with every guest at a holiday party. Sometimes everyone’s in a hurry, but taking the time to do the Full Service Checkout we discuss in Direct Sales 101 gives you the time to review the order, present additional upsell options, as well as share the opportunity and booking options with each buying guest. Leaving money on the table at a show is almost always due to the fact that consultants feel too rushed to treat each customer individually. If you have a handful of people in a rush, have everyone take a number, and service them in that order. Most people don’t mind and appreciate the extra attention and gift-buying consideration of the full-service checkout. Have guest complete a wish list of all the items they want to order, that way when they come to you all you have to do is add the items to your form and total up the order.

Bonus tip: You have to make hosting and attending a show as easy as possible for a host during the holidays. With so many things vying for the attention of your hosts, the less they have to handle the better. You can easily have thousand-dollar shows (or more) when you make it effortless for your hosts and guests to spend their money with you. Each of these five tips is geared to doing exactly that.

Here’s to a very happy holiday season!

Shellie Yeomans, Team Leader #7234
Origami Owl Independent Designer

September 15, 2013

How to Stand Out at Vendor Events

Vendor events/expos/opportunities are a fantastic way for you to share your product with TONS of New People.

What is a Vendor Event? A Vendor Event is usually comprised of different direct sales people that come together in one location to display their products and company information. Each person pays a small fee to the coordinator and then is given a space in the room. Each vendor invites customers and friends and the coordinator also advertises the event too.

The advantages of a vendor event is that you have access to new potential clients, new team members and you have the ability to book parties, grow your list, etc. The key to vendor events is standing out during the entire time and talking to as many people as you can.

Here are some tips for you to remember so that if you choose to display your Origami Owl products at an event you will have a successful outcome. When it comes to vendor events, I never worry about how much I sell. I solely focus on booking parties and sharing the business opportunity. I try to build connections, make friends and share with people why Origami Owl is amazing.

Complete the Event Notification From and submit it to the Nest at

Selecting a show:
Bigger is not always better
Demographic is important
Finding Shows

Booth Specifics

Know BEFORE you commit

• Exclusives
• Other vendors
• Number of similar companies
• Last year’s traffic
• Show incentives and promos
• Advertising methods
• Venue
• Draped
• Premium Location pricing
• Additional costs (electricity, wi-fi...)
• Negotiate!

Booth Presentation

13% of “guests” stop at a particular booth because of the presentation!
You NEVER get a second chance to make a 1st impression
Let’s explore the aspects of presentation!

Have clean and sparkly jewelry

Arrive Early to set-up

What should I have for the event: Base the amount of inventory you have on the size, length of the event and the expected crowd

If you have 4 or more order over $125, set yourself up as a Hostess and enter them as a party order to receive the Hostess rewards. 

Have plenty of business cards, rack cards, order forms and catalogs
(Don't hand out catalogs to everyone, leave them under the table for those that seem truly interested).

Great Idea: Put post it notes on everyone's catalog and have them give you their info before they 
get a catalog.

Take several Business Opportunity Packets and Hostess Packets.

Take a money bag with you to collect checks and cash. Make sure you take plenty of cash with you to make change (bills and coins) if you are selling product there for Make and Takes.

Make sure to follow up on any and all leads! Don’t let them sit for fear of contacting them. 
Send out a follow-up email.

Start off small and find a few events in your area. These events will help you to get comfortable with speaking to customers and discussing the product.

Bring your points of difference and any other helpful documents. Don't feel scared to pull these out if you need to answer a question that you do not know. 

Consider Make & Take for larger events and consider taking orders at smaller local events. If you can't, plan on booking parties, sharing the opportunity and take any orders that you can. 

Be Creative: Booking Tree, Special, Giveaway, 

Booth Design

1. O2 Concept
– Who are we?

• Energetic
• Modern
• Fashionable
• Fresh
• Trendy
• FUN!

Booth Design

2. Color Scheme
– Origami Owl Colors

• Aqua
• White
• Linen Accents
• Pops of Coral and Pink

– Be a Brand Ambassador

• Aqua
• White
• Aprons

Booth Design

3. Visual interest

• Shapes and heights
• Mix it up
• Odd numbers... 3, 5, 7...
• Less is more
• Pops of Color

Booth Design

4. Visual Rhythm
This is the quality that causes the eye to move across the display and not get “stuck”

• Clean and uncluttered
• Use diagonal lines
• Use color to draw the eye
• Hide the mess (bags etc)
• Create a main focal point
• Use “satellite” focal points

Booth Design

5. Booth Flow
• Make it easy to move around
• Stay in front of the booth
• Open it up, push the table back
• Create an “L” shape
• Corner Booth if possible
• Get guests out of the “doorway”
• Beautiful branded pieces from your back office

Booth Design

6. Branding
• Additional items

– Banner- graphic in back office
– Signage-back office
– White dishes
– Linen busts

Booth Promotion
• You need to ENGAGE them
– 38% of people visit because they were asked

• Prize Wheel
• Food
• Drawing

Your Objective is to:


Working the booth

Put the Welcome mat out!
• Don’t sit in your booth!
• Keep your body language OPEN.
• NEVER eat in your booth.
• Do offer them a treat.
• Offer seating if possible for guests.
• Don’t “overstaff”
• Work with a partner

What to say

• First, get used to “NO”...
– You are going to hear it. Probably 75% of the people you talk to will decline.
• Ask the right questions
• Usually you want to avoid Yes or No questions but there are ways to use them to your advantage
– Have you seen O2? If they so no then you say GREAT! Let me give you some!
– Come spin our prize wheel?
– Would you like a chocolate?
– Did you hear about our drawing?

• Try a non-business question
– Are you enjoying the show?
– Where are you from?
– What brings you to the show today?
• When you get a NO, move on to the next yes!

Working the Show

• YAY they stopped!
• Oh NO! Now what?
• Be ready
1. Build desire for the products and your Jewelry Bar experience
2. Show them the value for booking
3. Create urgency with a special
4. ASK


Booking Do’s

• Capture their information
• EXPECT a yes
• Look busy but not too busy to help them
• Network with the other vendors
• Wear your most comfortable shoes
• Wear a Name Tag.
• Pretend that the people coming towards you are old friends
• Take a break. It will help keep your energy up!

Booking Don’ts

• Be desperate
• Sit behind the table
• Lean on the display
• Huddle up talking to your co-workers
• Sit, drink, or eat while at the booth
• Talk on the phone
• Complain
• Allow someone to monopolize your time.
• Do a mass drawing
• Hand out literature
September 11, 2013

New Designer ~ Getting Started Tips to SOAR!!

Here are few more tips for Designers who are just getting started with Origami Owl.  

Create the Buzz 

Social Media is a huge tool that can be used to help you grow your Origami Owl business.  Do you know how to Tweet or what hashtags are?  Do you understand the main differences between Instagram and Pinterest and which one should be used for which purpose?  

Start researching the various options for you to use and learn how to use them well.  There are important guidelines you’ll need to follow with regards to Social Media and how and what you name your pages and sites and you’ll learn them by reading the Origami Owl Policies and Procedures. That being said, you can start working on your site content now by collecting pictures you’ll want to post in a folder on your desktop.  See a locket on the Origami Owl Instagram or Origami Owl Facebook you like? Save it.  See a great O2 related fashion ensemble or quote on the Facebook page?  Save it.  

Find my Origami Owl Facebook page and start borrowing pictures I post.  There’s a large quantity of Origami Owl related pictures throughout Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.  One quick word of caution (OK, several):  Always make sure you have permission to use someone’s picture regardless if it’s watermarked or not.  The only exceptions would be those taken directly from the Origami Owl official sites.  If a picture does have a watermark and you are given permission to use it, DO NOT crop out the watermark.   There are many Designers out there who are super talented with photography and artistic design who are also very sharing but please don’t take advantage of them or their work by removing their watermarks.  Now you are ready to take over the web with your Origami Owl presence and provide lots of great content to all your new fans and followers!

Create the Business

“Hobbies cost you money.  Businesses make you money.”  This was an important tip I learned early on in my Origami Owl career and it’s so true.  Treating your Origami Owl business AS A business is very important assuming you’re doing this to make extra money and provide an income for you and your family.  If that’s the case, you’ll want to look into business based options including creating a separate bank account for your O2 income (will be important come tax time).  You may also want to apply for/or designate one credit card to be used for your O2 business.  I use the Capital One Venture Credit card and I look forward to future free flights or travel throughout this year and next.  Please note, we DO NOT suggest you incur debt to start your O2 business.  My credit card balances are paid off in full monthly (I pay on the card multiple times throughout the month) but they are a nice way to earn the extra perks of airline tickets.  

You’ll also want to talk to a tax professional about your new business and see what he/she suggests you do as far as the tax aspect of your job is concerned.  Because O2 does not take income tax out of your commission and override checks, it’ll be important you discuss how that will impact your return with a tax professional.  Deductions are also an important item to discuss with said tax professional.  Getting organized early and keeping track of your expenses and income via a spreadsheet or other manner that makes you comfortable will help you in the long run.  Remember, this is a business!

Create a Team

As a Designer, you have the ability to sign up other Designers who want to join you on your Origami Owl journey and start one of their own.  I currently have 11 girls that have joined in the journey with me and 2 more signing up. 9 on my level 1 (personally sponsored under me) and 2 on my level 2 (girls under my level 1). 

Origami Owl is generous with their product commissions and they are also generous with their overrides.  By building, coaching, teaching and training a team of other Independent Designers, you can receive additional income to help you reach your financial goals.  Never be afraid to share the business with anyone!  Remember, if you are not ready to mentor I can help you and I have no problem providing guidance to YOUR Downline Designers. That is what your upline is here for! Most mentors have a Facebook group (TEAM HOOTYLICIOUS & CHARMING STARS) where Designers can begin to learn the business through posts by other Independent Designers, etc.  Immediately become friends with your new Designer on your Personal Facebook PAGES (If they have one) so that you can be able to add your Designers to the Closed Groups. All new members have to be Approved by the Administrators on the closed Facebook groups with the Designers ID Number. You have the option if you choose to remove your designers from your personal Facebook page after they have been added if you prefer to keep business and personal pages separate. I find it easier to have them as friends so that we can keep in touch. 

Career Plan~ Making Leading Designer

It only takes $250 in Personal Volume, $500 in Group Volume and one Active Designer($99 in Personal Volume) on your team to earn your first promotion and first opportunity to earn overrides.  Having a large, active and engaged team can be a great opportunity to supplement the income you’re earning from your shows and Jewelry Bars.  But don’t wait, start now!!  Share, share, share the opportunity and you’ll be amazed by how many of your friends and family members who will share in your excitement and will want to join your Team! Don't forget, I am hear to help in anyway that I can!

Build your Jewelry Bar Display Table

Purchase display items at and Consider purchasing the following items from there that work well for other designers: (Optional)
SKU# 1-1P (W)_White - 2 of these white stackable trays
SKU# 93-1 (LN)_Linen - 1  or 2
SKU#171-1 (LN)_Linen 2 of these are best
SKU#189-7 (LN)_Linen 2 of these are best
SKU# 83-2 (50)_Black - Prefer the black because the white turns yellow over time and 1 is fine that way you have one of these and a pad to place in your 2 trays.

Tablecloth at White with an overlay would be suggested, to fit a 6 foot table. Completely up to you on what you decide but you want to stick with Origami Owls colors of aqua, white and coral. Let the focus be on the Jewelry and not the owls. Consider only having one white owl for your display. Also, check at your local Marshalls, Home Goods, Hobby Lobby or TJ Maxx for additional items (great place for the white glass plates and bowls. 

These are just a few more ideas to help you New Designers get started with the business.  Check out Part 3!

New Designer~More Getting Started Tips to SOAR!

Have you just joined Origami Owl? If so you’re well on your way to starting a successful Origami Owl business as an Independent Designer. Here are just a few tips shared by another amazing Director to help you spread those wings wide and fly high only moments after receiving that life changing email from Origami Owl.

Create Your Look

The first major portion of your Origami Owl journey will be hosting a launch party and several Jewelry Bars for hostesses that are your friends and family members. To do so, you’ll need to create your Origami Owl ”look”. This should include décor that focuses on three main colors: aqua, white and coral. You’ll need only a few basic items to host your first event including: a tablecloth, a small bust or two to display lockets and chains on, a few clipboards/lapboards for your guests to use to take orders with and possibly a decorative owl or two. A few reminders here: at your events, you’ll want to be discussing the opportunity to join your Team with possible new Designers. If a possible new designer sees you take eight trips back and forth to your car to set up your display, they’re going to think one of two things (if not both): “I can’t afford all that stuff right now.” or “I sure as heck don’t want to be the one carting all that stuff around.” Either way, you’ll have a hard time landing them as a new designer if they think Jewelry Bars are going to be difficult to execute. If I can’t get it into my hostesses house in one trip, I’m not bringing it to a Jewelry Bar. Simple and easy wins every time. Also remember this, not all owls are cute owls. Also, just b/c it’s owl related does not mean you need to buy it (White owl is recommended). DO NOT go on spending sprees purchasing items you won’t need to make your business successful RIGHT NOW. Start small and build from there. Create a look you love but do it in a way that will allow you to earn a profit from your very first party!

Check out this small & simple yet cute Jewelry Bar Set-Up:

Create Your Knowledge Base

The Origami Owl website and related Social Media sites are great resources to start learning about the company and how it was founded and what it stands for. Always refer back to the Points of Difference information sheet. Start learning about the products your selling and practice answering questions about the items used in the creation of the products, how the company was started and more. Develop a smooth (but short) presentation on Origami Owl for use at your Jewelry Bars so that you can quickly convey what Origami Owl is all about to your guests (and no, we’re not folding paper animals). The more polished you are at answering questions correctly and confidently, the more you’ll sell to your guests.

Create Your “Why”

Your Origami Owl business will not always be easy. You will deal with occasional product issues. You’ll stress over parties or party hosts who are stressing about parties. You’ll have parties where not enough people show up or where way more people than expected show up. It won’t always be easy. When those tough times come about, it’ll be important to know your “Why”. Why are you doing this business? Why are you putting yourself through the occasional tough times? I've created a vision board that is on my laptop's background as a reminder of my "Why." These are all things I look forward to enjoying one day and when the going gets rough, I see my vision board and envision myself in that dream house. Knowing YOUR why will help you escape at times and realizing it will make this company and all you’ve done to develop it so worthwhile!

Thomas A. Edison once said:
“Unfortunately, there seems to be far more opportunity out there than ability…. We should remember that good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation.”

Join Our Team

Become an Independent Designer
with Origami Owl

Are considering starting your own Origami Owl business? 

Origami Owl was created by a 14 year old girl with a dream. Origami Owl is so unique that people immediately fall in love. The idea of our jewelry bars has people sparkling with excitement when they think about the idea of having their very own business. This business could be stable income for a lifetime and has amazing potential. All it takes to be successful with Origami Owl is energy, passion, a positive attitude and motivation. My why has always been to be financially independent and to inspire others. What is your why? What could you do with your Origami Owl business?

Common Questions Asked When Considering an Origami Owl business:

How do I get started? 
You can become an O2 Independent Designer by applying at www.shellie.origamiowl.comand entering my ID #7234. For only $149 (over $325 value and approximately $200 with shipping and tax included), you get the business starter kit with everything you’ll need to start an Origami Owl Business including lockets, charms, catalogs, and other Origami Owl business supplies!

How much can I earn?
It’s up to you – the more you sell, the more you make! Our Career Plan is one of the most generous in the industry. Designers earn 50% commissions on sales of charms, plates and dangles + 30% on all other jewelry. When you build a team and mentoring other designers you can earn additional monthly earnings starting at 9% up to 15%.

How Much time will it take? 
You set your own schedule; decide when you want to hold parties and how much time you wish to dedicate to your business.

Will I have all the tools I need? 
You are never alone! You will have endless opportunities for training and support. You will be joining a community designed to support you and your success.
As your business mentor, I am your first line of contact and will train + support you. The Back Office will get you exclusive access to all the things you need to run a successful Origami Owl Business. Webinars and Calls are filled with great training, recognition and exciting updates, these are must-attend events scheduled throughout the month.

As a Designer with Origami Owl you can do what you love and work at something that never truly feels like work. You can run your own business on your time, help others design their story in a piece they can keep and make a profit in the process. Join our team and get started with a GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY Today!!!

If you think you would like to sell Origami Owl and join My Team go to Please enter my ID #7234 AND email me your confirmation at Please Contact Me with any questions you have. I am available via phone, email, one-on-one training, etc. You are not alone in this business and I will be here to help you learn the ropes.

How to Create a Virtual Locket

I have been introduced to a new addiction and it is called PicMonkey!! It is a fantastic website that many have used to create those beautiful Origami Owl ® virtual lockets floating around Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. It is a great tool that designers can use to show customers what their “visualized locket” will look like or to create unique pieces for flyer's, giveaways or other marketing materials.  I personally use the PicMonkey site, PicsCollage Ipad App and PicsArt Ipad App  to make all of my virtual lockets. PicMonkey is easy to use and most of us already have it on our computers. I have been approached by many other designers on how I create my flyer's and virtual lockets, so I found this tutorial to be very helpful. I hope that you find it helpful as well.

Welcome to my Blog!!

I am an Origami Owl Independent Designer + Team Leader in Florida.

What is Origami Owl®?  Origami Owl® is a unique and new direct sales company that all started 2 yrs ago, 14 yr old Bella Weems told her parents she wanted a car for her 16th birthday.

Her parents made a deal with her. If she wanted to create a business and earn the money, they would match her investment.  With $350 in babysitting money and $350 from her parents, she invested in some clear lockets. She called them Living Lockets.  She started by selling customizable jewelry to family and friends that soon became the opportunity of she and her mother selling at a kiosk in the local mall.  They quickly realized that everyone loved her lockets! That’s how Origami Owl® was born. Now, 2 years later, she has her own car, and a successful Direct Sales business.  Today the company has over 40,000 Independent Designers with many more joining daily!

I never would of thought that I would be in direct sales but when my Sister decided to host a party, I immediately Fell in Love with the story behind the company. I have had some tragic things happen in my life, but its those things that made me stronger. The Jewelry is more than a necklace to me but a visual reminder of my story and how my life has changed for the better. I have gained so many new friendships and have been truly inspired by everyone and the story that their locket holds. I am growing my team of designers that want to join in the journey with me and helping them realize their financial and personal goals.