March 19, 2014

Origami Owl Requirements and Promotions

Congrats on becoming an Origami Owl designer. Having your own business means if you want to be successful, you will need to decide if you want/have the time to dedicate towards your business and are committed to it. The great thing about direct sales is that we have the opportunity to start our own businesses with little start up costs and we schedule our own hours. An Origami Owl Independent Designer can make their dreams come true if they believe in their company, have passion for our product and understand what it takes to becoming a successful “active” designer.

Definition of Terms:
  • Personal Volume (PV): The wholesale value of all jewelry purchased for personal use, demonstration and customer purchases at the. 
  • Active: A Designer is considered active in the career plan when they have $99 or more in 1 month.
  • First Line (Level 1): Designers personally sponsored and enrolled directly by you.
  • Second Line (Level 2): The Designers enrolled by your personally sponsored level 1 designers.
  • Downline: All the designers that appear in your genealogy.
  • Central Team Volume (CTV): This is how much your whole team must do in volume for you to achieve/keep that rank in one month.
What is my Personal Sales Discount?
  • Designers can purchase Origami Owl products at any time for personal use or inventory purposes at “volume” cost - 70% of retail value on lockets and chains (30% discount) and 50% of retail value on charms, plates, and dangles (50% discount).
How do I Earn Revenue?
  • Personal Sales Commission at 30% & 50%
  • Your Replication Website online orders
    • Each time someone orders form your replicated website you earn the same generous commission level and you profit at 30% & 50%
  • Team Overrides
    • Level 1: 9%-15%
    • Level 2: 4%-6%
    • Level 3: 4%-6%
    • Level 4: 4%-6%
  • Director Generation Override
    • Up to 2% bonus infinity deep
If this is a level you would love to reach in the next four months, you will want to:
+Maintain a consistent Jewelry Bar Calendar, Schedule 3-5 per month
+Set a personal, non-negotiable sales minimum each month of $1,000 PV.
+Focus on Sharing the O2 business opportunity with at least 3 new people each week.
+Set aside time each week to follow up with current Hostesses, Customers and potential Designers.

If this is a level you are excited about achieving in the next four months, you will want to:
+ Maintain a consistent Jewelry Bar calendar.  Schedule 4-6 per month.
+Set a personal, non-negotiable sales minimum each month of $1,500 PV
+Focus on sharing the O2 business opportunity with at lest 5 new people each week.
+Set aside time each week to follow up with current Hostesses, Customers, and potential Designers.

If this is a level you are excited about achieving in the next four months, you will want to:
+ Maintain a consistent Jewelry Bar Calendar, Schedule 6-8  per month.
+ Set a personal, non-negotiable sales minimum each month of $1,750 PV.
+ Focus on sharing the O2 business opportunity with at least 8 new people each week.
+ Set aside time at least twice a week to follow up with current Hostesses, Customers, and potential Designers.

March 7, 2014

Entrepreneurs: Born or made

I saw this incredibly insightful article written by Beth Blemaster I thought it would  be great to share it with you who are on the fence on becoming a Designer with Origami Owl…

Thank you Beth for everything that you share!!
Are entrepreneurs born or made? There have been tons business books and even master’s thesis’s written on the subject of whether your odds as a successful entrepreneur boil down to your 32 pairs of chromosomes! Is it really something in your genes that predetermines whether you are destined to an OFFICE CUBICLE or a LAPTOP AT STARBUCKS? If given the choice between a fresh frothy latte and stale coffee from the pot near the water cooler, I know my answer. “Tall with whole milk, please.” But I wasn’t born that way….
I was not the neighborhood kid with the lemonade stand blissfully waving down cars holding out an icy pitcher of refreshment on a sunny day. And when I was 8, just the thought of selling Girl Scout cookies made me turn in my brown beanie and sash. As a kid, I’d do anything just to AVOID having to knock on someone’s door and “SELL” them! Oooh! THAT feels like a dirty word, doesn’t it? SELL. I have goose bumps remembering those days. But 30 years later, I’m over my selling fears. Years of therapy have helped. My therapy has come in the form of EDUCATION, which, scientists say, is the way about ½ the entrepreneurs do it.
Enquiring minds want to know. Which means, scientists are searching for the answer. MOLECULAR TESTING is underway to identify genes that may play the role in entrepreneurial success. Can you believe that? Somebody wants to know badly! According to Scott Shane, a professor of entrepreneurship at Case Western Reserve University and author of the new book Born Entrepreneurs, Born Leaders: How Your Genes Affect Your Work Life, your genes CAN come into play. But Shane says, “We’re saying that there’s a genetic component here, but there are many paths to get the same genetic effect.”
Sweet! So you’re telling me there’s a chance! The BEST news is, your odds for success are better than Lloyd Christmas getting a date in Dumb and Dumber. (His were 1 in a million.)
Putting the odds in your favor
Even the world’s greatest gamblers will tell you they don’t play without research and knowing the odds. In business it’s the same. If you want success, you must think about it first. (Or at least, you’re supposed to think about it first.) I can tell you, anyone who is successful at any business doesn’t just throw the dice. And if they do, it’s a calculated toss. Here are some character traits that scientists and business analysts agree, are requirements for increasing your odds for success.
- Highly organized
- Competitive
- Self-confident
- Self-starter
- Passion
- Drive
- Flexibility
- The ability to identify new business opportunities

Can you read the signs?
I believe the last one on that list is of uber importance. The ability to identify new business opportunities. Are you continually aware of what’s happening around you? If you see an opportunity in front of you, can you decipher whether it’s really a good business opportunity or if you’re getting “sold” by a snake oil salesman? Are you ready to jump on it if it’s something life changing?
When the direct sales company, Origami Owl came onto my radar, I had 2 other really big opportunities on my plate. Not to mention, I already run a successful real estate business. I work at it full time, am a mom and wife, and just got a new puppy. I would be crazy with a capital “C” to get involved in a direct sales company. But this was different and I could see that bus coming a mile away. I knew I had to be part of this. I love [1] the story of Bella and her dream, [2] the opportunity this company offers, and [3] I love the product. It’s the trifecta of direct sales companies. I saw it, I researched it and I became part of it.
We want you just the way you are…
Were you the Girl Scout at the door? The lemonade stand kid? Then you are at an advantage because maybe you were born with it. Maybe you were raised in a restaurant where you bussed tables from the age of 10 and you learned about business and you are an entrepreneur through osmosis. In those cases, you were probably nurtured and encouraged to go out there and build all those traits that make you a superstar sales woman. If you’re not the lemonade selling type, join the majority. The great news is, we can all reach amazing levels of success in this business. It is in you. You know why? Because YOU WANT IT!!! And desire is worth more than what’s in your genes!
Go gettem!!!! And get ready to learn to boost the odds of success in your favor!